The Sorority Council

Marking the 10 Year Anniversary of The Sorority, The Sorority Council is formed to shape a brighter future collectively for women around the world to create a lasting legacy. Now is our time to stand out, yet still know when to stand together.

Chantelle Nicholson

Chef Patron, Author

Chantelle Nicholson

"Coming together, I hope we can support and unify the next generation of young women, particularly those who need it most, to fulfil their hopes and dreams. "

Melanie Eusebe MBE

Director, EMEA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Google

Melanie Eusebe MBE

"I am honoured to be part of this inspiring group of women who have paved their own paths to success in the incredible mission of lending a helping hand to the next generation of role models and leaders in achieving their dreams."

"Coming together, I hope we can support and unify the next generation of young women, particularly those who need it most, to fulfil their hopes and dreams. "
Chantelle Nicholson

Leonor Diaz Alcantara

Social Impact Leader, Entrepreneur, Board Member & Mentor

Leonor Diaz Alcantara

"The pandemic has taught us is that there is a new world being formed; now is the time to be united and work together so that it is a better world for future generations."

Tracey Woodward

Wellbeing & Beauty Executive

Tracey Woodward

"As a collective, this group of women inspire me to be a better person - it’s an absolute joy and always rewarding to spend time with like-minded women who deliver conversation, support and encouragement. I am honoured to join The Sorority Council."

"As a collective, this group of women inspire me to be a better person - it’s an absolute joy and always rewarding to spend time with like-minded women who deliver conversation, support and encouragement. I am honoured to join The Sorority Council."
Tracey Woodward

Orla Constant

Relationship Director, Centrepoint

Orla Constant

"I hope that together we can inspire the next generation of young women, particularly the vulnerable, lending them our support giving them confidence and social capital to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams."

Victoria Sheppard

Hospitality Entrepreneur

Victoria Sheppard

"When united with each other’s best interests at heart we can utilise our amazing network of women to grow, inspire and achieve. More than that offer support and share experiences to assist each other."

"I hope that together we can inspire the next generation of young women, particularly the vulnerable, lending them our support giving them confidence and social capital to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams."
Orla Constant

Lisa Tse

Creative Entrepreneur, Council Chair

Lisa Tse

"As the world navigates a new path ahead, I am deeply grateful for the friendship, wisdom and guidance we have shared as sisters. A new era is upon us and I believe now is our time. Time to embrace our ultimate sovereignty and to boldly claim our space in the world."

Alex Bergholz-Gander

Lead Sisterhood Officer

Alex Bergholz-Gander

"The Sorority is an energising community serving up a powerful cocktail of business collaboration, female empowerment, mutual guidance and inspiration. I am delighted and honoured to be part of such a potent gathering. We can make a difference where it matters."

"A new era is upon us and I believe now is our time. Time to embrace our ultimate sovereignty and to boldly claim our space in the world"
Lisa Tse